Adult ADHD: Invisible Struggles

Adult ADHD: Invisible Struggles

By Mari Rydings | 09/18/2017

When we hear the term attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, we tend to think of children. However, up to 70% of kids with ADHD still have symptoms as adults. Adults who have ADHD most likely had it as a child, without realizing it.


ADHD is difficult to diagnose because there are many overlapping symptoms, which may include:

  • Being easily distracted
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Forgetfulness
  • Running late often
  • Trouble prioritizing, starting or finishing tasks

Ways to Manage

As an adult with ADHD, you will most likely see improvement in symptoms with a prescribed medication from your physician. In addition, these suggested behavior modifiers may be a good start for changes you can make on your own. Some strategies include:

  • Setting goals
  • Sticking to a routine
  • Building support around you
  • Breaking up big tasks
  • Centering your mind
  • Finding your strengths

Next Steps

If you’re concerned you may have ADHD, start tracking your symptoms, including how often you have them and when. For example, do they tend to occur during high stress periods? Discuss the list and your concerns with your primary care physician, who can recommend next steps, which may include lab work and an evaluation by a psychiatrist and/or behavior specialist.

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